27 December, 2009

Classes of 2009

The following are pictures of students who completed their respective years as Iman Readers in 2009.
4 Cory Cats

5 Illie Iguana

5 Rony Rooster 

6 Frankie Fish

6 Mickey Mouse

09 November, 2009

Senarai Pelajar Cemerlang Iman Readers

Salam to all warga Iman Readers.
We've just completed our final assessment test for this year and......  here are the result!
Congratulation to all of them !
I believe all the parents have taken their childrens result at the school. Nevertheless, here we list down the roll of honor for the best in all categories....... drum roll please.....
(You may click to the picture to see the actual size of the document)

22 October, 2009

What Do Teachers Make? A Profound Answer!


Saya terima email ini dari satu Yahoogroups. Penulisnya yang bernama Amir mungkin mengambilnya dari sumber lain tetapi itu tak penting, yang pentingnya ini berkenaan soalan yang amat lazim dalam dunia material masakini, berapa gaji anda?  Tapi guru ini ada perspektif yang lebih murni. Our salute to  all teachers!


What Do Teachers Make?  A Profound Answer!

The dinner guests were sitting around the table discussing life.

One man, a CEO, decided to explain the problem with education. He argued, "What's a kid going to learn from someone who decided his best option in life was to become a teacher?"

To stress his point he said to another guest; "You're a teacher, Bonnie. Be honest. What do you make?"

Bonnie, who had a reputation for honesty and frankness replied, "You want to know what I make? (She paused for a second, then began...)

"Well, I make kids work harder than they ever thought they could.

I make a C+ student feel like the Congressional Medal of Honor winner.

I make kids sit through 40 minutes of class time when their parents can't make them sit for 5 without an I Pod, Game Cube or movie rental.

You want to know what I make? (She paused again and looked at each and every person at the table)

I make kids wonder.
I make them question.
I make them apologize and mean it.
I make them have respect and take responsibility for their actions.

I teach them to write and then I make them write.. Keyboarding isn't everything.

I make them read, read, read.

I make them show all their work in math. They use their God given brain, not the man-made calculator.

I make my students from other countries learn everything they need to know about English while preserving their unique cultural identity.

I make my classroom a place where all my students feel safe.

Finally, I make them understand that if they use the gifts they were given, work hard, and follow their hearts, they can succeed in life. (Bonnie paused one last time and then continued.)

Then, when people try to judge me by what I make, with me knowing money isn't everything, I can hold my head up high and pay no attention because they are ignorant.

You want to know what I make?

What do you make Mr. CEO?

His jaw dropped, he went silent.

A profound answer!!!



21 October, 2009

Where on earth is Iman Readers?

Macamana nak ke Iman Readers? Di sini kami berikan pautan Google map yang boleh anda manafaatkan untuk mencari lokasi kami. Alamat penuh kami adalah seperti tertera di profil kami iaitu:

No 21 Lorong 5/11 Taman Karak Utama, 68100 Kuala Lumpur.

Cara termudah adalah dengan masuk melalui Taman Greenwood Gombak samada dari Lebuhraya DUKE atau MRR2.Lokasi kami walaupun terletak ditepi lebuhraya DUKE, tetapi tidak ada official access dari sana.
Salam.  Ini pula cerita tentang Arwa atau panggilan manjanya Wawa.....


Alphabetical Hurf

Salam.  Satu lagi blog ibu bapa yang menceritakan tentang perkembangan anak-anak Iman Readers.

Alphabetical Hurf

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh..
Keceriaan melihat perkembangan positif anak-anak merupakan anugerah Ilahi yang tiada tandingannya (Memang kalahlah motto ceria NTV 7..hehe). Alhamdulillah harini Fida’ dah pandai membaca 2 sukukata dari huruf b dan n selain a,i,u dan mengenal a(alif baris fathah), ba(ba baris fathah), ta (ta baris fathah) . Jazakumullahu khairan kathira kepada tenaga pengajar Iman Readers terutama buat Cikgu Rozie, guru kelas Fida’ Afieqah.
Sejak sekolah, buku adalah teman akrab pilihan Fida’ hingga waktu dijangkiti viral fever pun, yang dia sibuk nak bawa ke hospital ialah buku dan pencil box yang berisi colour pencils, gunting dan gam. Subhanallah atas semangatnya :D .
Iman readers menggunakan syllabus Bacalah Anakku untuk pengajaran teknik membaca Bahasa Malaysia. Yang menarik ialah lagu yang disusun untuk mengajar anak-anak mengenal huruf…sangat comel…
Abu ada ayam a a a
Itik ikut ibu i i i
Ular usik ulat u u u
Bobo main bola b b b
Sani hisap susu s s s
Kakak suka ketawa k k k

Faatih pun enjoy nyanyian Fida’ sampai satu harituh pada waktu malam yang semua orang sangka dia dah tidur, bila Fida’ menyanyi abu ada ayam, tiba-tiba dia sambung a a a :D . As a result, ummi have to restart process menidurkan Faatih yang bertukar mood tidur ke bermain. Huhu

05 October, 2009

Beyond The Next Milennia: Father's Day 2009

Here's one interesting retroactive posting-linking to the parent of our student who goes by the pen name of S Jibeng.

Beyond The Next Milennia: The first and probably not the last one.

Iman Readers encourage parent participation in our events such as the annual Sukaneka. In the end, there's always token of appreciation. This is one of such token as highlighted by this parent.

SUNDAY, JULY 12, 2009

The first and probably not the last one.

At the rate i am going right now, i guess the only prize/plaque/medal this year will be the complementary souvenir from Iman Readers.
Sukan iman readers 2009_a 001

Beyond The Next Milennia: My little hero is an Iman Readers.

Salam.  While browsing the blogs, IR stumbled upon one parent blog writing about his son in Iman Readers.

Beyond The Next Milennia: My little hero is an Iman Readers.

04 October, 2009

We are back on-line......finally!

Salam dan Selamat Hari Raya kepada semua warga Iman Reader yang di sayangi. Selepas lebih setahun membisu seribu bahasa, akhirnya kami kembali di alam cyber ini menemui anda sekelian. Banyak yang telah berubah dalam tempoh ini dan perubahan yang paling besar dan penting ialah.... kami telah berpindah ke rumah baru (yea......!) yang terletak di Taman Karak Utama, bersebelahan Koperasi Polis Fasa 1. Gambar signage pintu pagar utama kami paparkan sebagai gambar profile yang baru untuk kemudahan ibu bapa pelajar baru untuk mencari kami di alam cyber ini.